Sol Prom (born Solomon Fabricant). Untitled (Dancing School), 1938
Sid Grossman. Coney Island, c. 1947
Sid Grossman. Harlem, New York, c. 1936
Berenice Abbott. Zito's Bakery, 259 Bleecker Street, 1937
Consuelo Kanaga. Untitled (Tenements, New York), 1937
Eliot Elisofon. Untitled (Iodent Toothpaste Ads), c. 1937
Alexander Alland. Break the Grip of Exploitation, 1938
Alexander Alland. Untitled (Brooklyn Bridge), c. 1938
Walter Rosenblum. Group in Front of Fence, Pitt Street, New York, 1938
Walter Rosenblum. Three Boys on Swings, Pitt Street, New York, 1938
Walter Rosenblum. Three Men on a Stoop, East Harlem, New York, 1952
Morris Engel. Water Fountain, Coney Island, 1938
Morris Engel. Shoeshine Boy with Cop, 14th Street, New York, 1947
Rebecca Lepkoff. Under the El, c. 1939
Rebecca Lepkoff. Shoemaker, 1947
Rebecca Lepkoff. Butcher Man, 1948
Harold Corsini. Playing Football, 1939
Morris Huberland. Parochial School (Yeshiva), E. Houston St., NYC, 1940s
Weegee. Max Is Rushing in the Bagels to a Restaurant on Second Avenue for the Morning Trade, 1940
Lou Stoumen. Sitting in Front of the Strand, Times Square, 1940
Elizabeth Timberman. Easter Sunday, 1944
Harold Feinstein. Rocky Beach, c. 1945
Sonia Handelman Meyer. Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, c. 1946
Arthur Rothstein. Refugees Looking at List of Survivors, Shanghai, China, 1946
Nancy Bulkeley. Madison Ave., c. 1946
Vivian Cherry. Game of Lynching, East Harlem, 1947, printed later
Gabriella Langendorf. Untitled (Three Men Working in a Field), c. 1948
Ruth Orkin. Boy Jumping into Hudson River, 1948
Marion Palfi. In the Shadow of the Capitol, 1948
Sy Kattelson. Untitled (Subway Car), 1949
Arthur Leipzig. Doll Factory, 1949
Arthur Leipzig. Chalk Games, Prospect Place, Brooklyn, 1950, printed later
Marvin E. Newman. Third Avenue El, 1949
Marvin E. Newman. Halloween, South Side, 1951
Sam Mahl. Young Girl in Doorway, 1950s
Louis Stettner. Coming to America, 1951
Larry Silver. Penn Station, 1951, printed later